Halloween is the scariest day of the year - both when it comes to ghosts and ghouls, and when it comes to oral health, too!
Here at Smile Town Dentistry Langley, we realize that moderation is key. On one hand, you want your kids to eat healthy most of the time, but on the other, you don’t want to make them miss out on all the fun treats and candy that are such a big part of this holiday.
So, here are a few tips and ideas for keeping your kids’ smiles healthy while letting them participate in the Halloween festivities.
Choose your candy wisely.
When it comes to oral health, not all candy is made equal. Try to avoid or limit gummy-style candies, like gummy bears, Fuzzy Peaches, and Sour Cherry Blasters, since these tend to cling to teeth.
Also avoid or limit candy that remains in the mouth for a long time; things like hard candies and bubble gum, for instance.
Limit treat consumption.
Most kids are excited to dig right into their loot when they come home from trick-or-treating. So let your kids pick out a handful of their favorites on the big night, and then ration the rest over the next few weeks.
Take extra care when brushing and flossing.
This is a good rule after any day or event when your kids have consumed more than the usual amount of sugary treats. Monitor brushing and flossing, and ensure that your kids take their time, and are thorough as possible.
Provide healthy alternatives.
Candy isn’t the only way to enjoy fun Halloween treats and snacks!
A quick Google search will provide you with countless fun, spooky and delicious, but less sugary, treat ideas. Here are a few of our favorites: